Our contractor has finally completed the bar project and I love it. Because of my need to be a part of everything and put my personal stamp on the project, I decided to try my hand at the backsplash. I was pretty intimidated simply because I was now dealing with a new space and I didn’t want to ruin the contractors work. But I was brave and went full speed ahead with the help of the internet. I started with tile selection and fell in love with the earthier travertine tones which I discovered later was not the best decision for a newby. After the tile purchase which meant I was committed, I discovered travertine which is a stone will require a wet saw, and a number of additional products and steps that are not necessary with glass tile and was not mentioned on the youtube video I watched. Fast forward three days and I finally have a completed project I’m really proud of, a new found respect for power tools, and a renewed sense of patience. Now it’s time for the fun part………. basement decorating!

Before backsplash |
Tile arrangement and measurement |
Thinset (glue) application |
About five hours in and very tired |
Grout application
My new best friend |
Excellent Nik!
Thanks Clarice
Wow Nikki!!! That's pretty impressive. It looks wonderful. Great job!!
Thank you Nicole
The patience you had to do this, wow. The bar area looks perfect.
Thank you
I love the tile selection. I'm in the process of selecting tile for my own backsplash. It has taken a year for to finally find one that was perfect. Any tips on application that you can share?
Thank you Monique, I would make sure to lay the tiles out on the counter exactly how it will be applied to the wall in it's exact measurement. Make sure you get thinset that doesn't dry too quickly, try to avoid outlets and if that's not possible, put the outlet cover on prior to tiling. Hopefully the tile you selected comes on a 12×12 mesh for easier application. If your tile does not come with the mesh backing, make sure you use spacers.
I hope this helps
Good luck
Wow, impressive! I like the bottles on the wall too.
Hello , love your blog and courage to step out of the box and do what makes you happy. Trying to find my way, just retired from 40’yrs of nursing ……. So hard. Treated for cancer last year and still recovering . Time to begin to see again after 20yrs and need to,purchase a machine. Looking at Bernina vs Babylock, what’s your favorite?
Thank you, La Jane