Home » Thank you Cotton Inc.

Thank you Cotton Inc.

In partnership with People.com, Cotton Inc. is currently running the Road To The Runway contest.  The eight finalist per region have already been selected but you still have the opportunity to upload your photo wearing cotton for a chance to win the weekly contest of $1,400.  I was lucky enough to be one of the weekly contest winners.

Thank you Cotton Inc.

In addition to the surprise Cotton Inc. check I was also nominated by the lovely Josette from La Petite Josette for the One Lovely Blog/Very Inspiring Blogger award.  Thank you Josette!

Haven’t heard too much about One Lovely Blog and Very Inspiring Blog award, but here goes……

Here are the rules of the award:

1. Thank the person who nominated you.
2. Add The One Lovely Blog Award /The Very Inspiring Blogger Award to your post.
3. Share 7 things about yourself.
4. Pass the award to 5-10 nominees.
5. Include this set of rules.
6. Inform your nominees by posting a comment on their blogs.

7 things about myself:

1.  I’m originally from Omaha Nebraska
2.  I live with my husband, two cats and one dog. 
3.  My favorite chips are plain Lays
4.  I have zero control when it comes to strawberry shortcake ice cream bars and generally eat all six within a 24 hour period.
5.  I have an advanced degree in Marketing 
6.  I sold vacuum cleaners door to door while in high school
7.  I lived in Italy for two years 

My selection of inspiring blogs:

1. A pair & a spare
2. Erica B. Style 
3. XOXO Kiss
4. District Dress Up
5. Eat Yourself Skinny
