Green Flower

DIY oversized rainbow wall decor

Beaute' J'adore

Yellow Flower

5 pool noodles-$1.00 each at family dollar -Yarn  -Scissors -Skewers -Glue gun -X-acto knife -Stick pin -Cotton balls

Yellow Flower
Yellow Wavy Line
Yellow Wavy Line


Yellow Flower Banner

-Cut 2 6" pieces from one of the noodles. -Glue the cut pieces to each end of another noodle.

Step 1

Yellow Flower Banner

-Using the x-acto knife, cut a 1" slit in one side of the noodle. -Place the end of the yarn inside the slit.

Step 2

Yellow Flower Banner

-Wrap the yarn around the noodle making sure you don't see any of the noodle peeking through. Tip- to shorten this process, use a thicker yarn. -Once you get to the other end of the noodle, pin the end and using the glue gun, secure the yarn in place. -Repeat this process with the other three noodles.

Step 3

Yellow Flower Banner

-Secure the noodles together using a skewer. -Place a yarn hook around the top noodle (used to hang the noodle on the wall).

Step 4

Yellow Flower Banner

-Hang the rainbow on the wall. -Take this time to make sure the ends of the rainbow are even by using the X-acto knife to cut the ends of longer pieces.   -Using the glue gun, glue the yarn back to any unraveled ends. 

Step 5

Yellow Flower Banner

-Fluff cotton balls, and glue them to the ends of the rainbow. -Remove the skewer.

Step 6