DIY no-sew padded headband

Beaute' J'adore

Lined Circle
Lined Circle

Every Woman's favorite hair accessory


Glue gun plastic headband 1: thick upholstery cushion scissors sharpie fabric glue craft clips fabric Free pdf headband patter (click here)


neoprene ponte cotton satin -Fabric with stretch

Step 1

Print the free headband pattern and cut the foam and headband lining. 

Step 2

Using the craft clips, secure the foam around the headband.

-Using the glue gun, attach the foam to the headband. -Trim the foam around the ends of the band -Starting at one side of the headband , fold the fabric over and using the craft clip hold it in place.  Stretch the fabric to the other end of the headband and clip the fabric to the other side.

Steps 3-5

Using the glue gun, pull the fabric tight and  glue to the underside of the headband.  Fold under the ends under and glue in place.

Step 6

Cut the lining, apply fabric glue and  affix to the underside of the headband.

Step 7