When it comes to a tee, oddly enough that happens to be one article of clothing I’m very particular about. Mainly because I look for super soft, comfortable, quality cotton. I need something with a nice stretch but not too stretchy, a good cut and will stand the test of time considering I keep my tee’s for years before I retire them. I’m a huge fan of Theory tee’s because the brand seems to encompass all those qualities, but trying to amass a stockpile of Theory tee’s will definitely cost you a pretty penny.
When I spotted this Calvin Klein Collection burnout fabric on sale at Fabric Counter I had to jump on it. This tee fabric is probably more awesome than my Theory tee’s and I had the perfect Vogue V8879 pattern to try it out on. I made this top cropped which is a perfect resort top and I plan to make another in a longer version as soon as I return home. The pattern was super easy and because I tripple stitched the seams, It will last forever.
Pants- Michael Kors
Earrings: Pamela Love
Shades: Prada