Back what seems like a lifetime ago I use to make stuff, a lot of stuff. I call that time B.C. (before Chandler). But thankfully I’ve been inspired lately to start back up and at least remember to document it.
And what better way to kick it off than this DIY bar cart. Over the past year, I’ve wanted to add a bar cart but never came across one I felt would fit my esthetic. They were either way too modern, way too short, way too flimsy or way too much glass and metal. I wanted something hearty enough to blend well with the rest of my big furniture.
Oh, and I didn’t want to spend $1,200 on a bar cart.
So I headed to Home Depot and went wood shopping.

Grabbed this 1.5″ x 12″ pine for $24 and had it cut into 3 30″ long pieces. Had the remaining wood cut into 2 20″ pieces for a later project.
In an attempt to lower the costs even more, I decided to purchase the majority of the tools on Ebay, which was a complete score. Check the links below to the Ebay store’s I used. side note- the picture indicates a few more pieces than needed, make note of the actual number of items needed to complete the cart.

Tools needed
18-1/2″ flanges
2- 1/2″ 3″ long nipple fitting
2- 1/2″ 90 degree elbow fitting pipe
4 1/2″ 12″ long nipple fitting pipe
1- 1/2″ 10″ long nipple fitting pipe
2- pkgs 1 1/2″ construction screws
1- 100 grit construction paper
In total, I paid $118.09 plus ebay shipping costs
The glassware rack was repurposed from another piece of furniture I have, but here is a good alternative from Ikea for $12.99 that can simply be painted.
Step 1
Sand the wood, clean all the dust well and stain according to container instructions. Make sure the stain is completely dry prior to moving to step 2.

Step 2
Starting with the bottom shelf, make sure the flanges are evenly spaced on the wood, and using the construction screws. Screw the flanges to the wood.

Step 3
Screw the 18″ pipes into the flanges, then attach four flanges to the other end of the pipes, upside down. Flip the middle board over and drill down the flanges. This will ensure proper placement.

Step 4
When the 18″ pipes are in and flanges are attached, flip the cart right side up and screw in the flanges to the top of the middle shelf.

Step 5
After the middle board is attached, and the flanges are securely screwed in, screw in the 12″ tubes.

Step 6
Attach the top flanges, screw in the glassware rack on the bottom side of the top board and place the top board following the steps above.

Step 7
Flip the cart upside down and symmetrically place the casters on each corner. Screw-in the casters.

Step 8
Assemble the entire handle by screwing in your 3″ steel nipples to the elbows and flanges and finishing with the 10″ long fitting pipe. Place the handle center on the back top of the board. Screw the flanges to the board and finish it off with two jute ropes.

And just like that, you have yourself a bar cart.

Welcome back Beautiful Lady. It is so nice to see you. The bar cart is nice, but did you make that gorgeous outfit? Stay safe and keep those posts coming. Karen from California
Thank you Karen 🙂 this dress was made originally back in May of 2016.
What are the jute ropes for? Like a bottle barrier? Guess leather could be used as well. 🤔
Thanks for the post! I look forward to trying this.
Mainly for decoration, but when the cart is moved it will also protect the bottles from falling off the cart. That is if you have a five year old that needed to be reminded, it’s not a toy :).
Leather would look great as well.