Home » Spicy smoked turkey chops

Spicy smoked turkey chops

Last week was very busy for me and because of that I found myself eating out pretty much every day which is horrible considering I have a dress to fit into in less than two months.  So this weekend I resisted the urge to eat at one of my favorite restaurants which would only result in me devouring a turkey burger with guacamole on a bagel (so yummy)!  So I opted for a healthier alternative.


{Spicy smoked turkey chops}


3tbls Canola Oil
1 onion
5tbls soy sauce
1tbls rice wine vinegar
2tbls freshly squeezed orange juice
2tbls Sriracha
4 thick cut smoked turkey chops

Heat the oil and cook chops on both sides until nicely browned
Add sliced onions and cook until slightly opaque
Add soy sauce, wine vinegar and orange juice, cook stirring slightly for about 2 minutes
Add Sriracha
Mix all well and let simmer for about 5-7 minutes
Move to a serving dish along with the juice and let sit a few minutes before serving.
